Monday, May 22, 2006

Sinus Cold

I've had a sinus cold of some sort for three days. Seems like everyone's sick, lately with a cold of some sort. Prari, Lauren, Judy, all kinds of folk... Last night, during meeting, it was the funniest thing. My whole sinus deal built up in some sort of headache, but not in my head. It was in my upper teeth! And my ears! Isn't the human body fascinating?

So, i'm like rubbing my face and it makes it feel better. But I ended up retiring relatively early, taking some nyquil, and sleeping until 330am. That's when Seth woke up and wanted to color in his "SPD" (power rangers) coloring book, using a flashlight. He did so, and then came in to sleep on our couch.

Arsene, from the Ivory Coast, our dear friend through the Wallis family, spent the night on our downstairs couch, in the meeting room. Beedle and Kyle, from Kentucky Christian University, spent the night at the Guys' house. We were also delighted to have Chris and Sheena's friend Susan with us last night!

It's a great feeling to be an overseer of this group. Folks are devouring the Scriptures and really working it out in thier lives, here. There's a wonderful willingness-a desire to please the Lord. I look forward to tonight's Family business dinner and meeting...

1 comment:

  1. just thought I'd let you know I replied again at Bart's blog...

