Saturday, May 6, 2006

Friday night BBQ, frisbee, football, soccer, guitars...neighborhood

These are photos of: Wyatt, Sheena, Darius, Danielmatt, and Christine. Last night was Friday Night Youth Meeting Night (not an official title). I had just dropped Judy (i love you) at the airport to go to Germany on emergency CIEE business (how exciting!). I fired up the grill and cooked meatsticks (hotdogs) and served them on wheat bread (couldn't find buns--they were on the table).
Sheena, Christine, Prari, JP, Chris, Danielmatt, Wyatt, Iliya, Maurice... everyone was out there...
Chris and JP led a Bible Study for the guys. Prari worked on framing some pictures for Judy. There was a football, a soccerball, a frisbee, and 2 guitars in play.
When I got home and realized that it was going to be a busy evening, I felt a little overwhelmed. I was tired after a day of loving Seth, and he had napped, so we were going to be up late... There were a lot of folk around, which was nice, but I couldn't feel what I was "supposed" to be about that evening... I cooked hotdogs... I played Johnny Cash. Ilya sang. She knows JohnnyCash songs by heart.
It goes without saying that the night was really great, although Seth has gotten a little "whiny" and Aaron is really becoming big--and sometimes ornery... We all got along fine, although I had to bring seth in for a time out once... bummer... nbd.

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