Wednesday, May 3, 2006


Any church people reading this who live on the route to Louisiana? I wanna take my boys down this summer to see the destruction, appreciate God's power and love, visit the Chruch, and pick up my replacement guitar (long story). Lafayette is the destination of pickup...

We just began dreaming aloud of liberating some of our folk to full time bondservitude in the field here... two youth ministry brothers with degrees and experience to sink a ship... can you help? Can we come sing and preach at your church? tell your ministry teams that we need you.

bending minds
breaking hearts
he's jesus


i mean, we watched two of the kids in the photos you've looked at go to jail, this week. no, three, but one snitched and now he's gonna prolly get shot or cut... we want to be out there so lil' D doesn't grow into this... please help Jesus! He's the least of these, and without you, we won't get to love Him like we could...

email me and let's set up a bending time...

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