Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Russ Girgenti is the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I was privileged to a call from my Friend from Down Under (Orlando, FL), Russ Girgenti. Great to hear his voice...

Russ is an interesting guy. He's a bail-bondsman who works for Mike Snapp Bail Bonds. If you are ever in trouble in Orlando, give him a call. He's a real professional, with awesome stories of pepper-spraying dudes and dudes like, trying to throw you off the balcony, and stuff like that...

JP, from our community, went on a run with him once. NO kidding. JP was visiting down there and he went on a run to pick up someone with Russ. At least I think so. Russ, when you read this, you gotta leave a comment telling how that all went.

Russ is also a house church pastor who yearns for the move of the Lord. From my perspective, he has just about the most passionate heart possible without some kind of upgrade... His passion RAM is maxxed out... he's waiting for a processor upgrade, when the Great Technician returns... hahahahahahaha...

Russ and Mike down there kind of watch over us up here, offering the church's identity to us as we minister... They are the "Body of Christ" guys... That's the name of their dealio, there... The dealio of the Lord, that is...

May your kingdom come
may your dealio be diddly-done!

i laugh at my own jokes... it's sick.

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